Journal of the British Astronomical Association- Vol.96 No.5
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- 253N otes and news
- 263Letters to the Editor
- 4BAA observations o f H ailey’s comet: preliminary report no.
- 266G ra h a m S. K eitch a n d H a ro ld B. R idley
- 270D aw es, L assell and Saturn’s dusky ring - R . A. M a rrio tt
- 278The Aurora 1984 - R. J. Livesey
- 284W ho discovered the G alaxy? Presidential Address, 1985 - H e a th e r C o u p e r
- 294Eclipsing binaries, Cancer to Corona Borealis, in 1972-84 - J. E. Isles
- 299J. B. Sidgw ick, 1916-18 - P eter Jo h n s o n
- 302Ordinary M eeting, 1986 March 8
- 304Ordinary M eeting, 1986 March 26
- 307Special General M eeting, 1986 April 30
- 307Ordinary M eeting, 1986 April 30
- 310Exhibition M eeting, 1986 M ay 17
- 311Ordinary M eeting, 1986 M ay 17
- 312W inchester W eekend, 1986 March 21-23