Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.104 Iss.3
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- 112Classifying asteroids Andrew J. Hollis
- 123The Jack Ells Automatic Photoelectric Telescope Roger Pickard
- 125A cordless remote control equatorial guide system - the 'Infra Guide' Paul Clements
- 130Astronomical distance measurement methods Peter R. Newman
- 142view of the Universe (Malin) / Redshift: A Multimedia Planetarium (Maris) / Venus: The Geological Story (Cattermole) / Space Travel; Letters
- 143The 'ashen light' on Venus / The other Brian Manning; CCD astrometry / Sirius and the Great Pyramid / CCD photometry / VI500 Cygni Other books received
BAA Updates
- 151Ordinary Meeting, 1993 December 18 / The Christmas Lecture: The evolution of clusters and groups of galaxies (Willmore) Small advertisements
Observers' Forum
- 124Awaiting the comet crash / From the President - Section publications / Aurora Section / Starry starry night... / Meteor Section / Ida's new Membership information
- 102Officers and Council