Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.105 Iss.4
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- 161Can the Great Pyramid be astronomically dated? Mary T. Bruck
- 165Sunspots and the solar constant Peter Wade
Notes and News
- 160From the President / Solar Section / Mars Section / Aurora Section / Campaign for Dark Skies rewards sensitive road light Letters
BAA Updates
- 193Eclipses during Ramadhan / Some more astronomy on Mars Hill / It's all Moonshine! New members
- 111Observation and inference: Johann Hieronymous Schroeter, 1745-1816 - William Sheehan & Richard Baum
- 154Officers and Council
- 167Short papers Professional-amateur collaboration in variable star research - Robert C. Smith, Guy M. Hurst & Paul Roche
- 176Focusing an SLR camera using the knife-edge method S. M. Trafford
- 178Ordinary Meeting, 1995 January 25 / Ordinary Meeting, 1995 February 25 / The 1994 Merlin Medal Membership information
- 179The visibility of the Aurora from the United Kingdom R. J. Livesey
- 182Astronomical superhighways David C. Leach
- 203Small - advertisements