Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.116 Iss.4
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Refereed Papers
- 169The opposition of Mars, 1997 - Richard McKim
- 187the David Boyd, Arto Oksanen & Arne Henden
- 190The visibility of the dark side of Venus, 1921–1953; a series of observations by M. B. B. Heath - Richard Baum
- 196The Perseid meteor shower in 2002 - Neil Bone
- 200The lightcurve of (150) Nuwa - Fiona Vincent
- 214McClean star spectroscopes: the mystery solved Sky notes for August & September - Neil Bone
Observers' Forum
- 206From the President Letters
- 202Membership information
- 216Notice board and meetings diary
- 216Small advertisements
- 218Officers and Council