The ICCE  Programme


The section publishes detailed charts with labelled sequence comparisons.

All reasonably well drawn and specifically all charts numbered xxx.xx are now available here. They have been listed by constellation and the following information may assist in deciphering the particular chart reference. Where a chart is named UU Aql 9d 002.02, for example, the star designation is followed by the constellation (except in the case of objects such as Markarian509). Where applicable, the chart size is then shown. In this case it is a 9 degree chart, but other examples might be 20m for a 20 minute chart. Where there is only one chart for a particular variable (as with Binocular Charts), the size is not given. Next comes the standard notation adopted for more modern VSS charts i.e. xxx.xx. If this notation is not given and the chart only has a date, this is not given. It will be necessary to look at the chart itself to see the date. In addition, where a chart has more than one Section variable on it, each chart is now listed separately. (This has also been done to keep the chart name to a manageable length).

Observers are advised to report full estimates using the latest charts because such information can be useful during analyses, or if the sequence is revised at a later date.

Paper copies of all “VSS” charts are available from the Chart Secretary, John Toone,  Hillside View, 17 Ashdale Road, Cressage, Shrewsbury, SY5 6DT.

I hope this will enable observers to keep up to date more easily with the latest version of Section charts which will continue to be announced via the Circulars and electronically via BAAVSS-alert.

This catalogue (v14.1, PDF) lists all of the stars on the Section’s ICCE Variable Star Programme of ‘New’ variables.

Roger Pickard, Director


Alert stars are marked with an ‘*’. Please telephone Gary Poyner or the Director immediately for the following…

* Alert if in outburst.
** Alert if fading.

T/B means that the object is monitored as both a Telescopic and Binocular programme star.
R indicates that the object is part of the Recurrent Objects Program.

It should also be pointed out that these charts are intended for visual observers and they are not suitable for those intending to carry out photometry, either with a CCD or a DSLR, as the quoted comparison star magnitudes have been rounded to the whole tenth of a magnitude. Those wishing to carry out photometry and requiring more accurate comparison star data should contact the Director.

The following abbreviations are used in the ‘Type’ column:

BLLac BL Lac object
DQ DQ Her type object (Polar)
E Eclipsing binary [EA – Algol type, EB – Beta Lyr type, EW – W UMa type]
Gal Galaxy (with variable nucleus)
GCas Gamma Cas type eruptive variable
In  Irregular nebular variable [Ina – hot, Inb – cool]
L Red irregular pulsating variable [Lb – giant, Lc – supergiant]
M Mira type pulsating variable
N Nova [Na – fast, Nb – slow, Nc – very slow, Nr – recurrent]
NL Nova-like stars
QSO Quasi-stellar object (Quasar)
RCB R CrB type eruptive variable
RV RV Tau type pulsating variable [RVa – constant mean mag, RVb – varying mean mag]
SDor S Dor type eruptive variable
SR Semiregular pulsating variable [SRa – stable periodicity, SRb – loose periodicity, SRc – supergiant, SRd – yellow]
UG U Gem type cataclysmic variable (dwarf nova) [UGSS – SS Cyg type, UGSU – SU UMa type, UGZ – Z Cam type, UGWZ – WZ Sge type]
UV UV Cet type (flare star)
X X-ray binary [Xp – X-ray pulsar]
ZAnd Z And type cataclysmic binary (symbiotic variable)

The ‘Max’ and ‘Min’ magnitudes are all visual except where the ‘Min’ is followed by a ‘p’, in which case they are both photographic.

In the Eclipsing Binary Program list, the ‘D’ column gives the duration of the eclipse in hours. This is only well-defined for Algol type (EA) stars. ‘EB’ or ‘EW’ in this column indicates that the star is a Beta Lyrae or W UMa star.

The ‘Chart’ column gives the identifier or date of the latest version of the chart. A star name in this column indicates that the star is included on a combined chart under the name of another star. Where there is no date entered, the chart is currently being prepared.

If a star is highlighted, the link will take you directly to the chart.

The ‘ICCE” (formerly “New”) Variable Star Programme          
Star/TA designation Constel. RA (2000) Dec Range Notes NSV No. Chart
        Max Min      
TAV 0216 +48 And 02 19 +48 14 9.5 [ 13.5 Mira?   TA
NSV14687 Cep 23 44 +71 46 11.9 [14   14687 TA
TASV 2204 +59 Cep 22 06 +59 30 10.1 12.5 SR? 25835 TA
NSV13806 Cyg 21 36 +32 31 11.1 [16   13806 TA
TAV 1933 +53 Cyg 19 34 +53 53 10.3 12 CCD!   TA
NSV10836 Her 18 28 +15 42 11 [15.0 Mira? 10836 TA
TASV 1812 +40 Her 18 14 +40 26 9.5 10.3 360d? 24346 TA
Q1992/076 Her 18 29 +15 16 11.2 [16 Mira?   TA
NSV2249 Tau 05 35 +23 53 10.5 [16 Mira? 2249 Hendon






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