Posted by John ONeill at 11:22 on 2012 Dec 20
Hi,I have noticed an apparent discrepancy between the Lunar Libration P.A.s in the BAA Handbook 2013 (p.19) versus those in Guide 9. The size of the Librations agree.For example: I have set the position in Guide 9 to geocentric and the date to 2013 Jan 2.30 UT.Guide 9 gives:Libration in latitude: 6.53 degreesLibration in longitude: -6.31 degreesTotal libration 9.1 degrees, at limb angle 44BAAH 2013 gives:Size 9.1 deg PA 66 degI have checked the same date in MICA 2.22: Selenographic Coordinates Date Time Earth Sun (UT1) Lat. Long. Lat. Long. h m s ° ° ° ° 2013 Jan 02 07:12:00.0 6.548 -6.318 1.17 298.58 Am I missing something?John