-5.4 exploding fireball

Forums Meteors -5.4 exploding fireball

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  • #574612
    Eric Watkins


    did you also manage this one from early this morning a  mag -5.4 a similar ground track to the other I  put up a few days ago.

    I’m pleased I took this aspect of astronomy up, one never knows what has been caught overnight and it adds a bit of excitement to breakfast.  The data is useful as well.

    I’m also surprised how much can be caught on what may be a poor night when other types of observations are not taken up. A few minutes  of clear, even a misty break in the clouds.  Most days it seems I capture something.




    After a week of no electricity in the area of the Observatory which shut us down, we are back rockin’ and rollin’.  Looks like the same capture.

    Eric Watkins

    Indeed it does Janice, the flight path puts it over the QE II Bridge.


    Michael O’Connell

    Beautiful capture!

    Detected on my radio setup as well – see attached.


    Eric Watkins

    Well done Michael,  I have my radio detector disconnected for the past few weeks. I have it working but really now need to fix it outside the house away from interference .  I need some more guidance on how to use it and in interpreting what I see.


    Mike German

    Here is what was captured in Hayfield, Derbyshire using a radio station tuned to GRAVES with Spectrum Lab

    and here is the Doppler shift and power profile from  Meteor  Logger 


    There is no head echo but it otherwise looks like a classical overdense power profile. 


    Mike German

    Hayfield in High Peak

    Mike German

    Is there any confirmation of the flight path please?  As a radio meteor observer using the GRAVES radar it is not often that I find a video capture with trajectory that correspond to a radio event. This is important because the coverage of the radar is largely unknown.  If this were over Kent it would be the futherest North I have had!

    Nick James

    I caught it from Chelmsford and would be happy to run the other stations’ data through UFO orbit to get a groundtrack when their data is available.

    Eric Watkins


    I’d be happy to forward the data to you.  Which of the files from UFO analyser do you need.



    Mike German

    Nick and Americo 

    It would be most useful if you do that – thanks!

    Nick James

    Just let me have the M_ CSV file from UFO Analyzer. All my meteor data is here and an example file which includes this event is here.

    Eric Watkins

    Evening Nick,

    I’ll send you the  .csv file for that night directly to you

    Thanks, Eric

    Nick James

    Eric has provided me with his data. The geometry is not very favourable since our stations are too close together but here is the ground track. It was out over the English Channel off the north coast of France.

    Mike German

    Hallo Nick and Eric 

    Not as far N as originally though but all usueful information – thanks

    Mike German

    BTW Nick is the direction SE or NW?

    Eric Watkins

    Thanks to Nick for making use of my data with his to provide a better ground track position.  It was good to see the actual end result.

    Nick James

    It was going left to right in my south facing camera so the ground track is east to west.

    Mike German

    Thanks for direction Nick.  This is definitely useful information in helping me extend what I know of the coverage of GRAVES radar. The scatter is from lobes from the rear of the antennas. The end of the trail crosses the Great Circle line between my monitor receiver and the transmitter close  to Dijon and is just about midway between.  The power profile I recorded suggests it is  specular scatter which, because of where, implies it is at a fairly shallow entry angle.

    Thanks again Nick and Eric – keep them coming!

    stan armstrong

    A week ago i wrote the following on the Facebook visitors page..

    • …’Americo Watkins asked about a ‘Previous fireball’ to the Exploding one. If he gives me the time and date I will see if i have anything.. Further..’mike.german’ ..the disappearance of Power and Doppler in your graphs..is with the Eye of Faith..to be seen in the video track in attached shot’. 
      I Attach a frame from my video of the event..and as my location is ‘Lngtde Offset’ from Nick and Eric hopefully this will help the accuracy of the path..
      I usually monitor UK Met on twitter for daily meteor mentions and IMO for others.. If Eric let’s me know time date of his previous interest Meteor I will see if i captured it too.. Apols for lack of immediate clarity but thought to Real time my input.
    stan armstrong

    A week ago i wrote the following on the Facebook visitors page..

    • …’Americo Watkins asked about a ‘Previous fireball’ to the Exploding one. If he gives me the time and date I will see if i have anything.. Further..’mike.german’ ..the disappearance of Power and Doppler in your graphs..is with the Eye of Faith..to be seen in the video track in attached shot’. My guess is that few members would expect to receive information via this method?
      I Attach a frame from my video of the event..and as my location is ‘Lngtde Offset’ from Nick and Eric hopefully this will help the accuracy of the path..
      I usually monitor UK Met on twitter for daily meteor mentions and IMO for others.. If Eric let’s me know time date of his previous interest Meteor I will see if i captured it too.. Apols for lack of immediate clarity but thought to Real time my input.
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