
Michael O’Connell

After a successful event, I would like a say a massive THANK YOU to the following people for making the event happen:

– The Speakers for preparing and delivering an excellent set of talks. They really were top class!

– Dunsink Observatory for kindly hosting the event. Particular thanks to Jonathan, Sam and Hilary.

– All those who travelled to the event, especially those who flew over from the UK. Great to see good turnout of BAA members!

– Nick James very kindly brought the voice recorder and so in due course I hope to sync the audio with the PowerPoint files and share them here. Thanks Nick!

– Mike Foylan for setting up his meteor camera demonstration.

– Stephen Corcoran ( for setting up his meteorite display

– Everyone else who helped out in their own way to make the event happen.

– Many thanks of course to the BAA for always supporting events like this and encouraging like-minded enthusiasts to get together.

