BAA Journal – Volume 134 Number 04 – August 2024

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  • Refereed Papers

  • 259Sunspots noticed accidentally – a preliminary survey - John Simpson
  • 270Imaging the sodium cloud of Io - Chris Hooker
  • 273Pulsar detection & verification with small-aperture antennas - Peter W. East
  • 281The opposition of Jupiter, 1955–’56 - Richard McKim
  • Notes and News

  • 235From the President - David Arditti
  • 236In brief - Philip Jennings
  • 237Notice: Your vote for the BAA Trustees & Council - Bill Tarver
  • 2372 Pallas glides past T Coronae Borealis - Jeremy Shears
  • 237New Education & Outreach Section - Helen Usher & Alexandra Hart
  • 238Auroral storm on the night of 2024 May 10/11: A first analysis - Sandra Brantingham
  • 239Auroral & noctilucent cloud activity, 2024 Apr 11 – Jun 6 - Sandra Brantingham
  • 240Cosmic rays: Build yourself a cloud chamber - Steve Barrett
  • 243Variable star update - Jeremy Shears
  • 244Notice: Nominations invited for the Sir Patrick Moore Prize - David Arditti
  • 245The near-nucleus light curve of comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) - Nick James
  • 246Solar Section - Lyn Smith
  • 250The Radio Astronomy Section in 2023 - John Cook
  • 254The not-quite-lost art of telescope making - David Arditti
  • 296Membership information
  • 306Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
  • 307Board of Trustees & Council, Session 2023–2024
  • The Archives

  • 257From the Journal archive - John Chuter
  • 295From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
  • Review

  • 299Essays on Astronomical History & Heritage: A tribute to WayneOrchiston on his 80th birthday (ed. Gullberg & Robertson) - Mike Frost
  • BAA Updates

  • 301Sky notes for 2024 August & September - Nick Hewitt
  • Observers' Forum

  • 300Two overlooked planetaries in the summer sky - Stewart Moore
  • Meetings

  • 297BAA Meeting & George Alcock Memorial Lecture, 2023 June 7 - Philip Jennings
The British Astronomical Association supports amateur astronomers around the UK and the rest of the world. Find out more about the BAA or join us.