NASA Lucy mission to 617 Patroclus-Menoetius

In the Minor Planet Bulletin 51-3 p.212, Richard Binzel sent out a call for observations to assist with the targetting of the NASA Lucy mission spacecraft which will flyby this pair of asteroids in March 2033.  The paper contains predictions for mutual events and reference 1 in this paper contains two extended lists of mutual events.
We have set up a team across the globe to image the mutual events and have started to obtain data, our first set of data from 2024 09 06 indicates that the mutual events are lagging the predictions by between 9 and 26 minutes. The amplitude of the events is relatively large and the objects themselves are bright making observations easier, the events also take place over several hours and this is where having a team spread across the globe makes catching complete events more likely. There is still time to get involved and it is proving to be a very interesting project.
Link to Reference 1
The Superior and Inferior Minor events extended tables
Title: Orbit of the Patroclus-Menoetius binary system and predicts for
the 2024/2025 mutual events season
Authors: Brozovic M., Jacobson R.A., Park R.S., Descamps P., Berthier J.,
Pinilla-Alonso N., Popescu M., Licandro J.
Table: Mutual events season 2024 – Superior events
Byte-by-byte Description of file: ajad1f6et3_mrt.txt
Bytes Format Units Label           Explanations
1- 13 A13    —     Date            Mutual event date (1)
15- 19 A5     —     Start-Time      Mutual event starts (1)
21- 25 A5     —     End-Time        Mutual event ends (1)
27- 31 A5     —     Event-Max-Time  Largest drop in magnitude occurs
33- 60 A28    —     Event(s)        Type of the occulting and/or eclipsing event (2)
Note (1): Time is given in the UTC
Note (2): The last column lists the sequential type of events that are
occurring as follows:
PO = Partial Occultation;
PE = Partial Eclipse;
PO+PE = Partial Occultation and Partial Eclipse with overlap;
PO_PE = Partial Occultation and Partial Eclipse without overlap;
TO = Total Occultation;
TE = Total Eclipse
2024 02 18    18:18 20:07 19:12 PO
2024 02 23    00:26 02:59 01:42 PO
2024 02 27    06:40 09:44 08:12 PO
2024 03 02    12:57 16:26 14:41 PO
2024 03 06    19:17 23:05 21:11 PO
2024 03 11    01:40 05:42 03:40 PO
2024 03 15    08:02 12:18 10:10 PO
2024 03 19    14:25 18:53 16:39 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 03 23-24 20:51 01:27 23:09 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 03 28    03:17 08:01 05:38 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 04 01    09:43 14:33 12:08 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 04 05    16:10 21:05 18:37 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 04 09-10 22:37 03:50 01:07 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 14    05:06 10:37 07:37 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 18    11:35 17:23 14:07 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 22-23 18:05 00:09 20:37 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 27    00:35 06:54 03:07 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 05 01    07:05 13:38 09:44 PO, TO, PO+PE, PE
2024 05 05    13:35 20:23 16:13 PO, TO, PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 09-10 20:07 03:07 22:40 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 14    02:39 09:50 05:12 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 18    09:11 16:34 11:44 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 22    15:45 23:17 18:16 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 26    22:17 06:00 00:49 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 31    04:52 12:43 07:22 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 04    11:27 19:25 13:56 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 08-09 18:01 02:07 20:30 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 13    00:36 08:49 03:06 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 17    07:13 15:31 09:41 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 21    13:49 22:13 16:18 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 25-26 20:27 04:54 02:25 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 30    03:05 11:36 09:05 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 04    09:44 18:17 15:45 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 08-09 16:25 00:58 22:25 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 12-13 23:05 07:39 05:06 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 17    05:46 14:19 11:46 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 21    12:29 21:00 18:26 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 25-26 19:13 03:40 01:12 PO, PO_PE, PE, TE, PE
2024 07 30    01:57 10:21 07:52 PO, PO_PE, PE, TE, PE
2024 08 03    08:44 17:01 14:27 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 07    15:30 23:41 21:07 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 11-12 22:18 06:20 03:47 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 16    05:07 13:00 10:28 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 20    11:58 19:40 14:30 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 08 24-25 18:50 02:19 21:22 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 08 29    01:42 08:58 04:15 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 02    08:35 15:38 11:09 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 06    15:30 22:17 18:04 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 10-11 22:27 04:56 01:00 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 15    05:22 11:34 07:56 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 19    12:20 18:13 14:54 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 23-24 19:17 00:51 21:51 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 28    02:15 07:30 04:50 PO, PO+PE, TO, PO+PE, PE
2024 10 02    09:14 14:22 11:50 PO, PO+PE, TO, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 06    16:12 21:20 18:48 PO, PO+PE, TO, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 10-11 23:08 04:18 01:45 PE, PO+PE, TO, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 15    05:52 11:16 08:42 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 19    12:37 18:14 15:40 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 23-24 19:22 01:11 22:37 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 28    02:07 08:07 05:33 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 11 01    08:52 15:02 12:29 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 11 05    15:39 21:56 19:23 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 11 09-10 22:26 04:49 02:17 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 14    05:12 11:41 09:10 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 18    12:00 18:32 16:02 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 22-23 18:50 01:21 22:52 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 27    01:41 08:09 05:42 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 12 01    08:33 14:55 12:30 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 12 05    15:29 21:40 19:18 PE, PO
2024 12 09-10 22:36 04:22 02:04 PE, PO
2024 12 14    06:35 11:04 08:49 PO
2024 12 18    13:23 17:43 15:33 PO
2024 12 22-23 20:12 00:21 22:16 PO
2024 12 27    03:02 06:56 04:58 PO
2024 12 31    09:50 13:30 11:39 PO
2025 01 04    16:39 20:01 18:20 PO
2025 01 08-09 23:30 02:29 00:59 PO
2025 01 13    06:22 08:54 07:37 PO
2025 01 17    13:17 15:13 14:15 PO
 Title: Orbit of the Patroclus-Menoetius binary system and predicts for
the 2024/2025 mutual events season
Authors: Brozovic M., Jacobson R.A., Park R.S., Descamps P., Berthier J.,
Pinilla-Alonso N., Popescu M., Licandro J.
Table: Mutual events season 2024 – Inferior events
Byte-by-byte Description of file: ajad1f6et4_mrt.txt
Bytes Format Units Label           Explanations
1- 13 A13    —     Date            Mutual event date (1)
15- 19 A5     —     Start-Time      Mutual event starts (1)
21- 25 A5     —     End-Time        Mutual event ends (1)
27- 31 A5     —     Event-Max-Time  Largest drop in magnitude occurs
33- 63 A31    —     Event(s)        Type of the occulting and/or eclipsing event (2)
Note (1): Time is given in the UTC
Note (2): The last column lists the sequential type of events that are
occurring as follows:
PO = Partial Occultation;
PE = Partial Eclipse;
PO+PE = Partial Occultation and Partial Eclipse with overlap;
PO_PE = Partial Occultation and Partial Eclipse without overlap;
AO = Annular Occultation;
AO+PE = Annular Occultation and Partial Eclipse with overlap;
AE = Annular Eclipse.
2024 02 16    15:33 16:52 16:12 PO
2024 02 20    21:35 23:50 22:42 PO
2024 02 25    03:47 06:38 05:12 PO
2024 02 29    10:03 13:21 11:41 PO
2024 03 04    16:23 20:01 18:12 PO
2024 03 08-09 22:44 02:39 00:41 PO
2024 03 13    05:05 09:16 07:11 PO
2024 03 17    11:30 15:52 13:40 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 03 21    17:54 22:26 20:10 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 03 26    00:19 05:00 02:39 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 03 30    06:46 11:33 09:09 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 04 03    13:12 18:05 15:38 PO, PO+PE, PO
2024 04 07-08 19:39 00:42 22:08 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 12    02:08 07:29 04:38 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 16    08:37 14:16 11:07 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 20    15:06 21:02 17:38 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 24-25 21:34 03:47 00:08 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 04 29    04:05 10:32 06:42 PO, AO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 03    10:36 17:16 13:15 PO, AO, PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 07-08 17:07 00:01 19:40 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 11-12 23:39 06:44 02:11 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 16    06:11 13:28 08:43 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 20    12:43 20:11 15:15 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 24-25 19:16 02:54 21:48 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 05 29    01:49 09:37 04:21 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 02    08:25 16:20 10:54 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 06    14:58 23:02 17:29 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 10-11 21:34 05:44 00:03 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 15    04:10 12:26 06:39 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 19    10:46 19:08 13:15 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 23-24 17:23 01:49 23:20 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 06 28    00:02 08:31 06:01 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 02    06:40 15:12 12:41 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 06    13:20 21:53 19:21 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 10-11 19:59 04:34 02:01 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 15    02:40 11:15 08:41 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 19    09:22 17:55 15:22 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 07 23-24 16:06 00:36 22:05 PO, PO_PE, PE, AE, PE
2024 07 27-28 22:51 07:16 04:48 PO, PO_PE, PE, AE, PE
2024 08 01    05:35 13:56 11:26 PO, PO_PE, PE, AE, PE
2024 08 05    12:21 20:36 18:03 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 09-10 19:09 03:16 00:43 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 14    01:58 09:56 07:23 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 18    08:47 16:36 14:04 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 22    15:39 23:15 18:17 PO, PO_PE, PE
2024 08 26-27 22:31 05:55 01:16 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 08 31    05:24 12:34 08:12 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 04    12:19 19:13 15:06 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 08-09 19:14 01:52 22:00 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 13    02:09 08:31 04:54 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 17    09:06 15:09 11:49 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 21    16:04 21:48 18:45 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 25-26 23:02 04:26 01:41 PO, PO+PE, PE
2024 09 30    06:00 11:09 08:38 PO, PO+PE, AO+PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 04    12:58 18:07 15:30 PO, PO+PE, AO+PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 08-09 19:57 01:05 22:26 PO, PO+PE, AO+PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 13    02:45 08:03 05:24 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 17    09:29 15:01 12:22 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 21    16:14 21:58 19:20 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 25-26 22:59 04:55 02:18 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 10 30    05:45 11:50 09:16 PE, PO+PE, PO
2024 11 03    12:32 18:45 16:12 PE, PO+PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 07-08 19:17 01:39 23:06 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 12    02:05 08:31 05:59 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 16    08:52 15:22 12:52 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 20    15:41 22:12 19:43 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 24-25 22:30 05:01 02:33 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 11 29    05:22 11:48 09:22 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 12 03    12:17 18:33 16:10 PE, PO_PE, PO
2024 12 07-08 19:16 01:17 22:57 PE, PO
2024 12 12    03:27 07:59 05:42 PO
2024 12 16    10:15 14:39 12:27 PO
2024 12 20    17:03 21:18 19:11 PO
2024 12 24-25 23:52 03:54 01:53 PO
2024 12 29    06:41 10:29 08:35 PO
2025 01 02    13:30 17:01 15:15 PO
2025 01 06    20:20 23:31 21:55 PO
2025 01 11    03:11 05:57 04:34 PO
2025 01 15    10:04 12:20 11:12 PO
Here is a light curve Mag Band SDSSr’ using data from two observatories, one in Australia (Q68) Julian Oey and one in Abu Dhabi (M44) Mohammad Odeh.

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