Atlas Of Planetary Nebulae

Forums Deep Sky Atlas Of Planetary Nebulae

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  • #628646
    Peter Goodhew FRAS

    In December Ronald Stoyan published his first of three volumes of The Atlas Of Planetary Nebulae (in German).

    I have a copy, and it is a remarkable 256-page book containing many of the most beautiful images of PNe ever produced, including images by NASA,/HST, ESO, NOIRLAB, CHART32, Adam Block, Mike Selby and many others.

    Ronald is contemplating published an English-language version, but before doing so needs to assess if there is sufficient interest to do so.
    He has therefore issued a survey to determine the potential demand.
    If you are interested please let him know by completing this non-binding anonymous

    Dr Paul Leyland

    I am potentially interested, depending on price. The information below may help others to express an interest.

    According to the German edition of the first volume is €69.90 with shipping to Spain of €5.77.

    At today’s spot rate the sterling price would be £58.58.


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