Historical Section Webinar – Prof Nick Lomb: “Australian Eclipses 1857 and 1871”

Wednesday 22nd Nov 2023 8pm (UK)

We welcome Professor Nick Lomb of the University of Southern Queensland; co-editor of “Eclipse Chasers”.

Nick will be telling us about the Australian eclipses of 1857 and 1871. The 1857 eclipse was Sydney’s last total eclipse; the next is in 2028. The eclipses illustrated the advances in technology taking place at this time.

The event starts at 8:00 PM and is open to all. It will be held as a Zoom webinar with a livestream to the BAA YouTube channel.

Please follow this link to watch the webinar on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82094432411?pwd=V0VoL09IZXZMRFd4Z1RRZmtPS0NZUT09

You can also watch on the BAA YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/britishastronomical

The Governor Blackall at Eclipse Island, 1871 (Watercolour by Sylvester Diggles; courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW)


Booking Information

This event will be livestreamed on the BAA Youtube Channel.