M110 is well placed

Tuesday 1st Oct 2019

M110, the brightest satellite galaxy of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time.

At a declination of +41°41', it is easiest to see from the northern hemisphere but cannot be seen from latitudes much south of 28°S.

From London, it will be visible all night. It will become visible at around 19:58 (BST) as the dusk sky fades, 39° above your eastern horizon. It will be lost to dawn twilight at around 05:43, 42° above your western horizon.

At magnitude 8.1, M110 is quite faint, and certainly not visible to the naked eye, but can be viewed through a pair of binoculars or small telescope.

The position of M110 is as follows:

Object Right Ascension Declination Constellation Magnitude Angular Size
M110 00h40m20s +41°41' Andromeda 8.1 22'00"

The coordinates above are given in J2000.0.

This entry in the observing calendar was provided by In-The-Sky.org
