Reply To: NPH or Southern Polar Cap Visibility?

Forums Mars NPH or Southern Polar Cap Visibility? Reply To: NPH or Southern Polar Cap Visibility?

David Totney

I had an early morning session on Mars with my 127mm Mak-Cass (05:00 ~ 05:45 BST). Mars was 11.7 arc seconds wide at about 58 degrees altitude and 87.2% illuminated. Seeing was above average although there was a fair amount of humidity with concomitant transparency issues. I used Baader Blue and Semi-Apo filters at magnifications of 205x and 257x. The phase and the southern pole were easily discerned, as were darker albedo features in the south. The blue filter helped greatly with white albedo features. Again, as far as I could tell there was a lighter albedo feature in the north (NPH?).

Telescopes: One Newtonian, three Maksutov Cassegrains, seven refractors, and a large SCT.