Reply To: Observing ESA’s Euclid spacecraft on its way to L2

Forums Spacecraft Observing ESA’s Euclid spacecraft on its way to L2 Reply To: Observing ESA’s Euclid spacecraft on its way to L2

Nick James

Thanks for that. ESA are tracking it and it is a shame that they haven’t publicly released any trajectory information. I’m not aware of any optical observations yet but it has been close to the Moon in the sky and it is at a far south declination. Once the Moon is out of the way I expect it will be picked up. I’ve been keeping an eye on NEOCP to see if any of the surveys get it.

ESA Ops did a small (2.1 m/s) trajectory correction the day after launch which implies that the Falcon 9 upper stage injection was very good. As far as I can tell everything is fine with the spacecraft.