Reply To: Dark Skies and Satellites in the News

Forums Dark Skies Dark Skies and Satellites in the News Reply To: Dark Skies and Satellites in the News

Howard Lawrence

The launch of the first satellites planned as part of the Kuiper swarm has happened. It was accompanied with this “everything you need to know” publication.
What I’d like to know more about is the environmental impact and effects on amateur astronomers. This recent article from New Scientist gives some startling predictions – (Sorry, New Scientist is behind a paywall). Apparently, the carbon footprint could be between 31 and 91 times greater per internet subscriber than conventional landline based systems, according to research conducted at George Mason University, Virginia. But this could change depending upon take up of the service and use of more suitable launchers.
We must hope that the methods being tested to mitigate nuisance to astronomers prove successful.