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SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
Which I know is a bit of a deal breaker as they have to conform. So that’s where I am. Any thoughts please?
Hi Kevin,
I don’t understand the problem. It all looks OK to me. Here, for comparison, is one of my FITs headers after it’s been calibrated. (Captured in SG Pro, calibrated by AA8).
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
NAXIS1 = 2750
NAXIS2 = 2200
BZERO = 32768.0
BSCALE = 1.0
CRPIX1 = 1375.999999978
CRPIX2 = 1100.999999981
OBJECT = ‘CF PEG ‘ / Object name
DATE-LOC= ‘2023-10-08T21:50:30.3930000’ / Local observation date
DATE-OBS= ‘2023-10-08T19:50:30.3930000’ / UTC observation date
IMAGETYP= ‘LIGHT ‘ / Type of frame
CREATOR = ‘Sequence Generator Pro v4.2.0.1158’ / Capture software
INSTRUME= ‘Starlight Xpress H694’ / Instrument name
OBSERVER= ‘Ian Sharp’ / Observer name
SITENAME= ‘PixelSkies’ / Observatory name
SITEELEV= 850 / Elevation of the imaging site in meters
SITELAT = ’37 44 23.000′ / Latitude of the imaging site in degrees
SITELONG= ‘-0 38 38.000’ / Longitude of the imaging site in degrees
FOCUSER = ‘PegasusAstro ProdigyMF’ / Focuser name
FOCPOS = 5489 / Absolute focuser position
FOCTEMP = 19.48 / Focuser temperature
FWHEEL = ‘Starlight Xpress Filter Wheels’ / Filter Wheel name
FILTER = ‘L ‘ / Filter name
EXPOSURE= 60 / Exposure time in seconds
CCD-TEMP= -10.2 / Camera cooler temperature
SET-TEMP= -10 / Camera cooler target temperature
XBINNING= 1 / Camera X Bin
CCDXBIN = 1 / Camera X Bin
YBINNING= 1 / Camera Y Bin
CCDYBIN = 1 / Camera Y Bin
XPIXSZ = 4.5390625 / Pixel Width in microns (with binning)
YPIXSZ = 4.5390625 / Pixel Height in microns (with binning)
STRSZ1x1= 6 / SGPro minimum star size filter
READOUTM= ‘Standard Readout Mode’ / Camera readout mode
TELESCOP= ’10Micron Mount’ / Telescope name
RA = 325.297497442515 / Object Right Ascension in degrees
DEC = 26.2268339926879 / Object Declination in degrees
CRVAL1 = 325.2979715357
CRVAL2 = 26.20068031717
OBJCTRA = ’21 41 11.399′ / Object Right Ascension in hms
OBJCTDEC= ‘+26 13 36.602’ / Object Declination in degrees
PIERSIDE= ‘West ‘ / Side of Pier the objective is on
AIRMASS = 1.04170531837155 / Average airmass
OBJCTALT= 73.8212777777778 / Altitude of the object
CENTALT = 73.8212777777778 / Altitude of the object
FOCALLEN= 1956 / The focal length of the telescope in mm
FLIPPED = F / Is image flipped
ANGLE = 267.83 / Image angle
SCALE = 0.472905 / Image scale (arcsec / pixel)
PIXSCALE= 0.472905 / Image scale (arcsec / pixel)
AOCDEW = 10.3 / Dew Point in degrees C
AOCHUM = 75 / Humidity in %
AOCRAIN = 0 / Rain Rate in mm/hr
AOCSKYT = -28.5 / Sky Temperature in degrees C
AOCAMBT = 18.7 / Ambient Temperature in degrees C
AOCWIND = 12.5833333333333 / Wind Speed in m/s
EGAIN = 0.3 / Electrons Per ADU
EQUINOX = 2000.0
CD1_1 = 4.981204779451E-006
CD1_2 = -0.0001310849482926
CD2_1 = -0.0001310385252376
CD2_2 = -4.948753747364E-006
CDELT1 = -0.0001311331670384
CDELT2 = 0.0001311783283646
CROTA1 = 0.0
CROTA2 = -87.83051432587