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I do love a good religious argument, which is why I will jump in feet first.
Like many, I think taxonomy is very important. There is room, IMO, for the taxonomic term “planet”. Think biology, where “genus” has a rather well defined meaning. Biology also has species and sub-species.
In my view the adjectives “terrestrial”, “ice-giant”, “super-earth”, “sub-neptune”, “dwarf”, “binary” and “satellite” are all species or sub-species of planet, as are many others.
Ceres is a dwarf planet. Venus is a terrestrial planet, Ganymede is a dwarf satellite planet, as are Luna and Charon. All are planets.
Planetologists, as opposed to astrophysicists, appear to agree with this taxonomy.
Compare Felis catus and Felis sylvestris, each of which live in the UK. Both are Felids.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Dr Paul Leyland. Reason: Clarification
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Dr Paul Leyland.