Reply To: coalition

Forums Dark Skies coalition Reply To: coalition


Thank you for your response David.
I don’t imagine BAA members would knowingly break the law but can you speak for the actions of all those that would be part of the coalition? To me climate activism encompasses protecting wildlife and preserving natural environments. Can we really say once we become part of a coalition that we are only interested in the artificial light aspect of preserving natural environments? Surely we adopt the wider views of the coalition.
I’m not opposed to groups or individuals that do break the law because of their strong beliefs. History has shown that is often necessary to do so to achieve change.
As for the current government, they have a policy of ‘Back the builders not the blockers’. I don’t imagine the building of new towns will do much for preserving natural environments.
I wholeheartedly support the CfDs in trying to influence local government.
That is my rant over. It would be interesting to hear other members’ views.