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We have been given the mount and I’ve tried following the manual however…
I switched the scope on and loaded The Sky software, the software recognised the scope and when I clicked on Home it slewed to a position different to where I found it.
I managed to slew to an object so got quite excited. I tried the joystick hand controller and this only worked in E-W not in N-S.
I checked the time which was correct and then checked the location which was set for somewhere in the US. So I changed this to the exact lat/long for the observatory.
From then on nothing worked, the scope started bleeping and the was no way to stop it doing so.
Slewing gives an error code: 2003
When I clicked on Home I got error code 212.
We would gladly pay you out of club funds to help us set it up.
Could you respond to: sw@clock-tower.com or phone 07767 788146?
Sheridan Williams