Reply To: Powering portable equipment

Forums General Discussion Powering portable equipment Reply To: Powering portable equipment

Bill Barton

I’m looking for a ‘complete solution’ rather than ‘just a battery’ and the only one I’ve seen so far was at Screwfix

As far as Ah rating is concerned the sort of observing I do is limited to public outreach work where my equipment draws about 1A and the events generally don’t last longer than six hours. So a 10Ah battery should be more than sufficient.

My ulterior motive for this is that I’m already thinking about our 2025 Autumn Weekend Meeting in Orkney and was looking at a lower weight battery than my current (17Ah, I think) lead acid jump starter/leisure battery. On the evening of Sunday September 7 there is a lunar eclipse with the Moon rising in eclipse and coming out as the evening goes on which might be worth taking a telescope for.