› Forums › BAA Events and News › BAA weekend Meeting, Armagh, Northern Ireland › A long journey

An excellent meeting that reminds people the BAA is the premier astronomical society for the whole of the UK.
And I think a special mention is due to the member who travelled furthest to get there: Barry Adcock and his wife made the journey from Australia. He then went to Geneva for the European Planetary Science Congress, where he presented a poster, that he showed me in Armagh, of his work on multispectral IR imaging of Jupiter, done with his amazing home-built 12″ refractor.
Congratulations to Meetings Secretary Hazel Collett, and the others involved in the organisation.
Now we need to solve the mystery of why Armagh Observatory has an orrery that shows 5 moons of Jupiter, but doesn’t show Neptune, which was discovered long before Amalthea.