› Forums › Meteors › Prediction of high activity of alpha Monocerotid shower › Alpha Monocerotid shower – radio data

I started watching my meteor radio detector screen from 22/11/2019 04:38 UT. The system uses a 3-element Yagi and Fun Cube Dongle tuned to the Graves radar frequency (my system set at 143.048 MHz). There was a relative increase in activity seen at ~04:39 till ~05:06 UT – definitely a greater rate than 3/hr (the normal visual alpha Monocerotid rate). On average ~10 events/5 minutes (120 events/hour). Signals of longest duration occurred between 04:35 – 04:43 UT [04:35:31, 22.4s, Doppler 43; 04:39:15, 3.6s, Doppler 57; 04:42:46, 12.3s, Doppler 42]. Selection of 5-minute screenshots of radio activity for the time period 04:30 – 05:06 UT. It was raining here in Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, so no visual meteors to report.