› Forums › Variable Stars › Campaign to observe HR Lyrae › Campaign update: 2019 July 6
We are now 3 months into the HR Lyr campaign and we have a nice light curve of this old nova developing. This can be seen on the VSS website. It has been brightening steadily over the last 3 weeks and is now as bright has it has been for a very long while. It will be interesting to see just how bright it becomes.
Time-resolved photometry continues to show various humps and bumps in the light curve with an amplitude of ~0.15 mag. These appear to be fairly regular for a few cycles (~1.5 h), but they do not appear to be consistent. Moreover the shape of the bumps is quite variable.
A couple of requests:
1. Please keep the once-or twice per night snapshot photometry going. New observers are always welcome, of course.
2. Some really long photometry runs (several hours) over a few nights would help us to understand the short term variations and see whether a coherent signal emerges. Late July onwards would be a good time for this as the nights are becoming longer.
Many thanks to all the observers who have supply visual and CCD photometry:
David Boyd, Walter Cooney, Pavol Dubovsky, Sjoerd Dufoer, Carlo Gualdoni, Kevin Hills, Steve Johnston, Mel Joslin, Paul Leyland, JH Mallett, Ian Miller, Ken Menzies, Martin Mobberley, Roger Pickard, Gary Poyner, Jeremy Shears, Dave Smith, Richard Sabo, Tonny Vanmunster, Ivan Walton
Jeremy Shears