Depends on your budget…

Forums For Sale / Wants / Giveaway Star map/atlas Depends on your budget…


There are a few, some:

The Cambridge Star Atlas (2011), copies available for under £10. 

Uranometria 2000 volume 1 (1987), copies available for £25.

Sky Atlas 2000.0 (1985), cheapest seems to be about £40 but it is lovely.

Star Atlas of Reference Stars and Non-stellar Objects (1969), copies £50.

Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas: Desk Edition (2014), copies £65 or so.

Millennium Star Atlas 3 Volume Boxed Set (2006), £600 or so…

The first two are fine; you can probably find a way to look at them all inside online somewhere. I really do like Stellarium though which is usually my first port of call, with all the added star databases loaded in.