› Forums › Meteors › HD video meteor spectroscopy › HD video meteor spectroscopy – 20190211_001130
Hi Bill,
You were correct in surmising that it was a fast meteor!
It was also recorded by Mike Foylan (Rathmolyon, Ireland) and Nick James (Chelmsford – a very long baseline to Scotland). Combining my data with Mike’s we get the attached ground track and radiant plot.
It was a speedy meteor with a geocentric velocity of almost 60 km/s, detected at an altitude of 111 km and descended to 87 km . It’s absolute magnitude was -3.5 so it would have been a spectacular sight over the Firth of Forth.
2-station analysis classifies it as a sporadic meteor, although the plot shows it originating near the gamma Bootid radiant, not far from Arcturus.