› Forums › Variable Stars › IX Dra: observations requested › IX Dra now in outburst on March 11 – probably superoutburst
11 March 2021 at 2:49 pm
Stewart John Bean
Gary Poyner notes that Yutaka Maeda (Nagasaki, Japan) has reported the following:
DRA IX 2021 03 10.74591 146:c Mdy.VSOLJ outburst
I also just had 14.7 Vmag at 2021/03/11 11:26:17 from itel T11. This compares with 14.5 Vmag for the two previous superoutbursts so most probably a superoutburst.
If anyone has observations for the last few days they could help firm up on the time of the super-outburst’s start.