One answer

Forums Variable Stars How low can you get? One answer

Dr Paul Leyland

I can now give some limitations for my site.  The fork mount on the main scope won’t allow pointing south of -47.5 degrees.  In the other direction, the limitation is about +77 degrees, which means I can’t observe some of the BAA-VSS program.

The on-site images of ω Centauri were taken by Kevin Hills some years back.  His observatory is a few metres away from mine and his GEM is nowhere near as fussy.  It will quite happily point his OTA very close to the nadir, as we discovered some weeks back.

Perhaps I should take a tripod, DSLR and telephoto lens down to Fuencaliente for an uninterrupted southern horizon where -60 declination should be a real possibility.  A nice target at this time of the year might be ε Indi which culminates at about 5 degrees altitude.