Prediction of high activity of alpha Monocerotid shower

Forums Meteors Prediction of high activity of alpha Monocerotid shower Prediction of high activity of alpha Monocerotid shower

Alex Pratt
The minor shower alpha Monocerotids (IAU 246 AMO) normally produces low rates, but on Friday morning there’s a possibility of a brief period of enhanced activity (about 30 minutes) producing up to 400 meteors per minute.
[Edit – I should have written that the brief burst of activity over a few minutes could equate to a ZHR of 400.]
The attached sky plot shows the radiant of the AMOs, derived from NEMETODE data for 2012-2018. They appear from an area southeast of Procyon which is well placed for us in the early hours. Our multi-year data gives a radiant of RA 7h 49m, Dec +1.7 degrees and they are fast meteors; we logged them at a geocentric velocity (Vg) of 61 km/s.
The weather forecast for my location is not hopeful – the standard fodder of clouds and rain.   🙁   Please let us know if you record copious numbers of AMOs on video or DSLR cameras, and if radio observers encounter any increased activity in your detection plots.

Clear skies,
