RE: I am wanting a new camera, NOT DSLR.

Forums Imaging I am wanting a new camera, NOT DSLR. RE: I am wanting a new camera, NOT DSLR.

Ian Rothwell

Hi JR,

I agree with you completely. I was using a Canon 450D for just over a year and whilst it gave me some great results I was looking to upgrade it to something with higher resolution and was shocked by the huge prices. 

Having now used a ZWO CMOS camera for the last six months I wouldn’t go back to DSLR if you paid me!  If you are looking to make the jump fro DSLR to CCD/CMOS then I’d recommend going for a mono camera. Yes DSLR is easy and there’s a steep learning curve in the post processing, but it’s well worth it for the results. I went for the ZWO ASI1600MM Cool Pro which was the top of the range at the time and cost around £1300. I also have an ASI120 colour that I use for guiding and planetray imaging.

ZWO do a huge range of cameras depending upon your target observing (planetary/DSO) and budget. FLO is sell most of them
