Re: LL And

Forums Variable Stars LL And rare outburst Re: LL And

Gary Poyner

Hi Robin,

I think it probably was LL And.  I have a pre-print of a paper written by Taichi Kato in 1993 and printed in PASJ, which suggests that the 1979 Nova was indeed LL And (there were positional issues with the 1979 report).   In it Kato-san writes (about the 1979 event)…

This supposed identification, which was later confirmed by the detection of a new outburst in 1993, of a relatively bright (19 mag) quiescent counterpart naturally suggested the dwarf nova-type classification.  This information was quickly relayed to observers through the international alert networks (e.g. VSNET) and the object has been continuously monitored since then. The long-awaited next outburst finally occurred in 1993

I know I was observing it for a long time before the 1993 outburst, and was thrilled to see it for the first time then, confirming Tonny VanMunsters original detection.   Indeed Tonny (in Belgium) and I were discussing the outburst on the telephone whilst looking at it through our telescopes!   We did this several times in the 1990’s during rare outburst detections.   Sadly those days are now gone – as has some of the fun of it.
