› Forums › General Discussion › BBC Sky at Night › Re:BBC Sky at Night
Posted by Bob McMaster at 23:22 on 2013 Sep 23
I have read on another Astronomy forum that a source close to the programme has indicated that December’s forthcoming Sky at Night will technically be the last programme, with on going discussions about its future but that the BBC remains committed to the programme. This has resulted in a online petition being set up as there is real concern that the programme will be axed.I do think that prior to and following the sad loss of Sir Patrick the programme lost its way, but recent episodes with Chris Lintott and Lucie Green ably supported by Paul Abel and Pete Lawrence have improved. It would be a great shame if the BBC didn’t realise this and allowed a programme with such a past pedigree that inspired many amateur and professional astronomers not to continue to develop.All the best, Bob