Re:Daylight Savings Bill

Forums General Discussion Daylight Savings Bill Re:Daylight Savings Bill


Posted by Jeremy at 12:58 on 2011 Mar 05

I wrote to my MP last week-end along the lines in the BAA position statement (effect of the hour change on observing the night sky and public outreach, especially to children hence negative impact on developing scientifically interested and literate people), which I thought brought a new angle to the debate. I received a reply this morning acknowledging this angle and acknowledging the importance that astronomy has in turning children towards interests in science. Clearly there are other angles such as less artificial lighting demand (=less energy = less CO2 emission; I am not so sure about this) trade with the EU and more time for recreational activities. But of course, most people think of recreational activities such as sports and sitting in the pub beer garden (or do I hear you say, continental cafe society?). So I think putting the view that other recreational activities, e.g. astronomy, being negatively affected is important. Whilst my MP veers to no change, he will consider the merits of the arguments. So perhaps there is time to influence MPs.I, for one, hope there is no change.Go well!Jeremy