Re:DSLR Cameras

Forums Imaging DSLR Cameras Re:DSLR Cameras


Posted by Tony Morris at 22:22 on 2011 Nov 23

MartinI use an old Toshiba laptop with a P4 processor that generates so much heat that it keeps my keyboard free of damp as I sometimes sit outside next to my ‘scope and camera setup.I have found that using BackyardEOS that my setup time is greatly reduced as I can achieve framing and focus much quicker. At this point I could unplug my PC and carry on using my TC80N3 controller but its informative to watch the frame preview showing the collected image quality deteriorating as the objects sink into the western horizon or the sky quality going down hill!I added a jack plug to my TC80N3 so I can control my 450D just in case you were wondering. But the Chinese TC80N3 copies work well and don’t cost much more than buying the cables and plugs from MaplinsTony