Re:Exoplanet transits

Forums Exoplanets Exoplanet transits Re:Exoplanet transits


Posted by Americo Watkins at 00:39 on 2012 Nov 17

Hi Tony,I do have an interest in doing some Exo planet transit work. My other main interest at the moment is asteroids. I have just set up an observatory with these objects in mind. I have a long way to go and a lot to learn before I’m able to submit useful work in both fields.Your correct about Bruce and his book plus his online articles. I believe I received the last published copy of his book – so he told me.As for some of the fainter objects, one might consider using the online, rentable robotic telescopes, true they could proove expensive for extended study, but, I have used them for particular projects to good effect.As regards a BAA section devoted to them, I would suggest their study could be covered by a sub-group of the asteroid or variable star section as many of the techniques used are at the very least similar. I’m sure that if a sufficent number of active members participate such a group might then develope into a section naturally. Certainly an active group in some form for sharing experiences and results would be welcome I would have thought. Cheers Eric