Re:Selling Stars! – Star name marks observatory openi

Forums General Discussion Selling Stars! – Star name marks observatory openi Re:Selling Stars! – Star name marks observatory openi


Posted by Nick James at 20:35 on 2012 Oct 10

Bizarre isn’t it.Perhaps the BAA should take this up as a money-making opportunity? I have the USNO B1.0 on my hard disk here and that has a billion stars in it. We could sell stars online for a few quid each and we could absolutely confirm that no one else had the same BAA star (apart from the odd catalogue duplicate). Variable stars and other stars of more interest could go for more. No money back would be offered for stars that went supernova but we could offer observing sessions for particularly rich and/or stupid mugs who might like to see their star through a telescope.What could possibly be wrong with that?Nick.