› Forums › Spectroscopy › BASS queries and Andy’s Tutorial. › Thanks Andy
I really appreciate the detailed response.
Yes, I’d generated a defect map and had applied that. But hadn’t thought about treating a subframe so that’s an easy fix for me.
I’d applied the same rotate, tilt and binning by default. That is, without specific intent but I’ll ensure that i do that now. I’m assuming you mean the same ‘size’ binning area (and not the same physical position on the frames).
With regards the ‘freehand’ curve I followed the same technique as in ISIS. I do have the ‘Free Draw’ box ticked in the Response Shaper tool (not the ‘Linearise’ box) but I select multiple points on the spectrum to produce a ‘curve’ as in ISIS. Are you saying I should I use Linearise?
Also, when using a reference spectrum from the Miles db do you routinely use ‘normal’ or ‘Dereddened’?
As for the workflow, let me know if you want it amended and I’ll share with the community (or send to JohnP) if you think it useful.
Regards T