The dynamics of this discussion caused me to Rejoin the BAA.

Forums Meteors -5.4 exploding fireball The dynamics of this discussion caused me to Rejoin the BAA.

stan armstrong

A week ago i wrote the following on the Facebook visitors page..

  • …’Americo Watkins asked about a ‘Previous fireball’ to the Exploding one. If he gives me the time and date I will see if i have anything.. Further..’mike.german’ ..the disappearance of Power and Doppler in your with the Eye of be seen in the video track in attached shot’. 
    I Attach a frame from my video of the event..and as my location is ‘Lngtde Offset’ from Nick and Eric hopefully this will help the accuracy of the path..
    I usually monitor UK Met on twitter for daily meteor mentions and IMO for others.. If Eric let’s me know time date of his previous interest Meteor I will see if i captured it too.. Apols for lack of immediate clarity but thought to Real time my input.