Nick James

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  • in reply to: GLOBAL LIGHT POLLUTION PAPER #577416
    Nick James

    An interesting and rather depressing read.

    in reply to: Sunny Sunday #577410
    Nick James

    Nice image. It just goes to show that there is always something interesting going on in H-alpha even when there are no white-light spots.

    in reply to: BAA Sky Notes – 2016 May #577402
    Nick James

    Thanks Dominic for doing this so quickly and thanks to everyone who provided material. The video thumbnail shows a frame from one of Mattias Malmer’s amazing 67P shape model videos. There are a lot more examples on his home page here.

    in reply to: Thank You #577399
    Nick James

    Glad you enjoyed the meeting and the pub afterwards. For people who couldn’t make it we’ve recorded the projector video stream courtesy of a box that Dominic Ford found so we should be able to get it up on the site more quickly than before.

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577382
    Nick James

    James, Looks like you had a really good view from the north of Scotland. This 1700 UTC Eumetsat image just shows how much of a north-south divide there was.

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577381
    Nick James

    Pete – Very nice pics as usual. Paul’s garden must have been stuffed with ‘scopes!

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577374
    Nick James

    That’s really nice David. I had wondered about the plot on Xavier’s page. Great to see that it really was like that!

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577370
    Nick James

    Thanks for all the images. It’s good to see that the transit was well seen around the country. I’ll be using these in my Sky Notes at the BAA meeting on the 25th.

    I’ve made a small composite of frames I shot at ingress. These were the best single frames that I could find in a video which redefines the term “atrocious seeing!”.


    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577358
    Nick James

    That’s a really nice timelapse James. I’m doing the Sky Notes at the next BAA London meeting and would like to show the final version when you have it. I hope you get clear weather through to the end.

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577356
    Nick James

    It’s cleared up a bit now. This image was taken a few minutes ago.

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577352
    Nick James

    I wonder what people would have thought back in 2003 when we had the last transit of Mercury if you had told them that in 2016 we’d be taking pictures like this with a mobile phone!

    in reply to: Transit of Mercury #577350
    Nick James

    After a lovely clear morning cloud came across just as Mercury moved onto the disk. Here’s some video I shot but the seeing is awful and the clouds were a real pain. This is a single frame from the video near the time of internal contact.

    in reply to: Videos from the BAA Sring Meeting #577347
    Nick James

    Thanks John. Good to know that the videos are appreciated.

    in reply to: Minor planet “95852 Leatherbarrow” #577329
    Nick James

    Many congratulations Bill but you are currently unobservable near conjunction at about mag 21.6 in Pisces. You do get “easier” at the end of the the year as you brighten to mag 20 approaching opposition in Taurus. Harold is a bit easier since he is mag 20.5 in Leo at the moment.

    in reply to: Welsh star trail #577324
    Nick James

    That’s a really nice image. You obviously had very good skies there. The startrails software is very good and saves a lot of time when making pictures such as this.

    in reply to: Monte Umbe – The Motion Picture! #577303
    Nick James


    I’ve just watched this all the way through and it was great fun. Thanks very much for posting it. It gives a really good impression of the trip and shows how very different things were back then. It’s also great to see so many old BAA stalwarts at their prime.


    Nick James


    I got it too (just) on my NW cam in Chelmsford. The video  is here.


    in reply to: Water damage at Harvard Plate Collection #577262
    Nick James

    Yes, really bad news and another good reason why we should try to get as many plate archives scanned as soon as possible. There is a huge amount of historical data in those archives. The DASCH project is a really good example of this (see here) and I hope that they can recover from this disaster.

    in reply to: Heliocentric Julian date #577219
    Nick James

    I think the reason for the difference is that the two values of JD that you calculated are in different timescales. I assume that the BAA calculator calculates HJD in the UTC timescale whereas the Ohio site calculates it in TDB. At present TDB is around 68.2s ahead of UTC so a BJD(TDB) will be around 68s later than HJD(UTC). When talking about JD it is important to specify the timescale used. The difference between the Ohio and BAA times is 68.44s which agrees well.

    in reply to: Heliocentric Julian date #577216
    Nick James

    There are quite a few examples of code around that convert between different timescales. Probably the best examples are the IDL source code here. Note that BJD is barycentric JD which, for most VS purposes, is the same as HJD. I think the difference only matters if you are trying to detect planets going around pulsars…

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