BAA Journal – Volume 134 Number 05 – October 2024

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  • Refereed Papers

  • 333Backyard lunar mineral prospection, Part III: Towards explaining some TLPs based on local minerology & geomorphology - Mark Kidger & Juan José
  • 342Total eclipse expedition to Waxahachie, Texas, USA - Paul G. Abel, Matthew C. Forman
  • 347Report of the Council & financial results for the session 2023-2024
  • Notes and News

  • 311From the President - David Arditti
  • 311Photograph: Sunset sunspots - Honor Wheeler
  • 312Notice: Update on the BAA Handbook for 2025 - David Arditti
  • 312In brief - Philip Jennings
  • 312Asteroid 2024 RW1 discovered hours before - Wayne Hawley & Richard Miles
  • 313Earth Inspiring young minds in astronomy: John Ball - Srilakshmi Ramakrishnan
  • 314School, Juno’s imaging of Io in 2024 - John Rogers
  • 318Pre-Maunder Minimum solar cycle duration measured using - Thomas Teague
  • 319data Auroral & noctilucent cloud activity, 2024 Jun 7 – Aug 6 - Sandra Brantingham
  • 320Variable star update - Jeremy Shears
  • 321Denning’s lost comet has been found - Nick James
  • 322Solar Section - Lyn Smith
  • 326Meteor radiants from NEMETODE video meteor data - Alex Pratt
  • 328Renovating a fibreglass observatory dome - Jeremy Shears
  • 330UK Meteor Beacon project update - Brian Coleman
  • 370Membership information
  • 375New honorary members
  • 377New members
  • 378Sky notes for 2024 October & November - Nick Hewitt
  • 382Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
  • 383Board of Trustees & Council, Session 2023–2024
  • The Archives

  • 331From the Journal archive - John Chuter
  • 369From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
  • Review

  • 375Eclipse & Revelation: Total solar eclipses in science, history, literature, & the arts (ed. Lange & McLeish) , - Martin Mobberley
  • BAA Updates

  • 371Obituary: Professor Brian Warner (1939–2023) - Jeremy Shears
  • 373BAA programme of meetings, 2024–2025 - Hazel Collett
  • Observers' Forum

  • 374Photograph: Stonehenge & aurora - David Cutler
  • 376Galaxies of Andromeda - Callum Potter
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