Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.100 Iss.1
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Refereed Papers
- 196Richard McKim
- 201The ‘bicoloured aspect’ of Saturn’s A ring: shedding new light on an old mystery Thomas Dobbins, Alan Heath & Valeri Dikarev
- 208Observations of the superoutburst of BC UMa in February 2003 - David Boyd
- 212The aurora 2001 - R. J. Livesey
- 217Venus and the Journal of André Gide Robert Steele & Peter Fawcett
- 220Why there cannot be two successive pure total solar eclipses - Darren Beard
- 1924Mars at its nearest: E. A. L. Attkins on Madeira,
Notes and News
- 195From the President Letters
BAA Updates
- 238Light levels at the 2002 December 4 eclipse Sky notes for 2003 August & September - Neil Bone
- 224Membership information
- 235New members
- 240Notice board
- 240Small advertisements
- 242Officers and Council