Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.104 Iss.1

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- 11Swift-Tuttle: The 1992 apparition - M. P. Mobberley
- 27Automatic photography of bright meteors & spectra - Henry R. Soper
- 32The spectrum of a sporadic fireball H. B. Ridley
- 36Astronomy at Oundle School - Richard McKim & John Brown
Notes and News
- 7From the President / Solar Section / Exotic collisions / Fireball of 1993 March 19 / Has lupiter flashed before? Letters
- 51Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (Thrower) / Introduction to Astronomical Photometry (Budding) / Solar Eclipse Predictor version 1.40 Small advertisements
Observers' Forum
- 48CCD Astronomy Symposium, 1993 October 16 / Obituary: Matei Alexescu 1929-1993 / Membership details New members
- 2Officers and Council
- 10Short Paper Ultraviolet photography of Venus J. C. D. Marsh
- 27Comparing photographic meteor rates / Spotting visual defects / Dr Isaac Roberts / 'Halo' was a parhelic circle / E. M. Antoniadi / Gresham Ordinary Meeting 1993 September 4 / Annual General Meeting 1993 October 27 / Ordinary Meeting 1993 October