Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.104 Iss.6
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- 281The myth of Earth-based Martian crater sightings William Sheehan & Richard McKim
- 287The construction of large-format cameras for meteor photography S. J. Evans & R. A. Marriott
- 293Quintuple planetary groupings - Rarity, historical events and popular beliefs Salvo De Meis & Jean Meeus
- 298A guide to the edge-wise presentation of Saturn, 1995-96 David L. Graham
- 300A run-off roof observatory M. J. Hendrie
- 304Naked eye sunspots and the solar cycle Alan W. Heath
- 308An exceptionally bright fireball of 1992 August 16 at 2148 UT Howard Miles
Observers' Forum
- 312Officers and Council Letters
- 25The Universe Explained (Ronan) / Meteorite Craters and Impact Structures of the Earth (Hodge) / Introduction to Cosmology Ordinary Meeting, 1994 April 30 / Ordinary Meeting, 1994 May
- 291CCD photometry and the professional community / The environmental effects of light pollution / Impact scars on Saturn: a Membership information
- 292Historical notes Impacts and mass extinctions: To whom the laurel falls? Duncan Steel
- 311Centenaries for 1995 Barry Hetherington
- 322New members
- 323Small - advertisements