Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.105 Iss.5

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- 1992Presidential Address
Observers' Forum
- 262From the President / Comet 1995 01 (Hale-Bopp) - is this the 'big one' at last? / Solar Section / More CfDS officers / HST Obituary
- 12New NASA solar eclipse bulletin - 1997 March 9 / Harold B. Ridley / The partial solar eclipse of 1996 October
- 29Colin Alistair Ronan, 1920-1995 Special General Meeting, 1995 March 29 / Ordinary Meeting, 1995 March 29 / Ordinary Meeting, 1995 April
- 206Officers and Council
- 216Venus: eastern elongation 1990-1991 Richard Baum
- 219The Leonid meteors and comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle John W. Mason
- 236Short One possibility for amateur/professional collaboration in variable star research R. F. Griffin - papers
- 238Observations of yellow semi-regular variables E. Zsoldos
- 240A statistical analysis of Martian atmospheric activity in the 1992/93 apparition Johan Warell
- 242The true field of an eyepiece Michael P. Greaney
- 247Report of the Council and Accounts for the session 1994-1995
- 269Letters
- 271Membership information
- 271Small advertisements