Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.105 Iss.6

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- 285The total solar eclipse of 1999 August 11 Peter Macdonald
- 288The meteorological conditions for observing the total solar eclipse of 1999 August 11 from sites in Cornwall Howard Miles
- 291Comet analyses /. D. Shanklin
- 295Comet Levy 1990c J. D. Shanklin
- 301The western floor of the lunar formation Schickard Keith W. Abineri
- 309Short papers A simplified method for designing an 18 point flotation system for primary mirror cells Norman Fisher
- 311Naked-eye observations of Venus in daylight Edward L. Ellis
- 284Officers and Council Other books received
- 308New members
- 312Centenaries for 1996 - Compiled by Barry Hetherington
BAA Updates
- 322Meeting of the Instruments and Imaging Section, 1995 May 13 / More BAA asteroids / Honorary degree for BAA member Letters
- 24Ordinary Meeting, 1995 May 31 / Ordinary Meeting, 1995 June 24 / Exhibition Meeting, 1995 June
- 319Two English impact structures? / 'The starry sky and one's favourite books' Membership information
- 323Small - advertisements