Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.106 Iss.1

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- 11Stellar spectroscopy with CCDs - some preliminary results Maurice Gavin
- 16Schroter's Effect and the twilight model for Venus Anthony Mallama
- 19Comet Shoemaker-Levy 1991a1 J. D. Shanklin
- 22Immanuel Halton, the astronomer Patricia M. Barber
- 29Outburst observations of LL Andromedae Steve B. Howell & Guy M. Hurst
- 33Visual and photographic observations of the Perseid meteor shower in 1993 N. M. Bone & S. J. Evans
- 40The 90-day oscillation of the jovian Great Red Spot Grischa Hahn
Notes and News
- 10Galileo at Jupiter - how the Probe data were saved / Title pages, volume 105 / The Indian Eclipse, 1995 / Fine UK skies for Letters
- 32More British impact structures? / Seeing Venus in daylight / The sad tale of 'Planet Sallit' New members
- 1995Out-of-London weekend, 1995 September 8-10 / Ordinary Meeting, 1995 September 9 / Annual General Meeting,
- 2Officers and Council
- 18October 18 / Ordinary Meeting, 1995 October
- 27The Immortal Fire Within: The Life and Work of Edward Emerson Barnard (Sheehan) / Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday CCD Symposium II: Meeting of the Instruments and Imaging Section, 1995 May
- 28Index to Volume 105 - facing
- 55Membership information