Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.106 Iss.3

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- 125The comet collision with Jupiter: II. The visible scars John H. Rogers
- 151The comet collision with Jupiter: III. The largest impact complex at high resolution John H. Rogers, Isao Miyazaki & Sanjay S. Limaye
- 155UK Nova/Supernova Patrol: Recurrent Objects Programme Report 1994 Gary Poyner
- 161Artificial - aurorae Sten Asgaard Andersen
- 166Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) - a preliminary report / Observing Hyakutake from Tenerife / VSS computerisation - three Letters
- 24On discovering an asteroid / Nacreous clouds and the ozone layer / Daylight sightings of Venus / Lunar limb observations Ordinary meeting, 1996 January 31 / Ordinary meeting, 1996 February
- 118Officers and Council
- 150Membership information
- 160Short paper Observing sunspots with different sizes of instrument R. J. Livesey
- 162BAA/CUAS 'Terrestrial Planets' meeting, 1996 February 17 / Obituary: Marco Falorni, 1944-1995 New members
- 175Small advertisements