Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.106 Iss.4

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- 1995Presidential Address
- 1890The fiery death of Ariane 5 / From the President / Unusual observations of Venus / Mars Section (erratum) / Solar Section The New Russian Space Programme - From Competition to Collaboration (Harvey) / A History of Astronomy from
- 27New NASA bulletin for the total solar eclipse of 1998 February 26 / Observations concerning the planet Venus' / Back in Out-of-London meeting, Manchester, 1996 April
- 27Special General Meeting, 1996 March 27 / Ordinary Meeting, 1996 March 27 / Ordinary Meeting, 1996 April
- 178Officers and Council
- 183Membership information
- 184Presidential Portrait R. J. McKim, B.Sc, Ph.D., C.Chem., M.R.S.C, F.R.A.S.
- 185The dust storms of Mars Richard McKim
- 201Mary Somerville, mathematician and astronomer of underused talents Mary T. - Bruck
- 207Building a thirty-two inch (0.81m) telescope John Wall
- 214Short paper The Moon through the looking glass R. J. Livesey
- 217Historical William Lassell and 'the accident of a maid-servant's carelessness' Richard Baum - note
- 219New members
- 221to the Present (Leverington) / Hubble: A New Window to the Universe (Fischer & Duerbeck) / Compact Data for Navigation Other books received
- 224Letters
- 235Small - advertisements