Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.106 Iss.5

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- 246Red supergiants, neutrinos and the Double Cluster Tristram Brelstaff
- 287Observational note Star colours with a CCD camera Maurice Gavin
- 28The 'Optical Lever' / Understanding space and time / The exceptional fireball of 1995 July
- 29Under an English Heaven (Williams) / Astronomy Education: Current developments, future coordination (Percy) / Observing Ordinary Meeting, 1996 May
- 238Officers and Council
- 252Historical note Sir John Herschel and the Leeds Astronomical Society Allan Chapman
- 268The BAA Council, 1996
- 268New members
- 269Report of the Council and Accounts for the session 1995-1996
- 265Astronomy at Torquay Boys' Grammar School David Reid & Chris Lintott
- 285Noctilucent clouds over Britain and Western Europe, 1992-1994 David Gavine
Notes and News
- 1997Galileo at Jupiter / Solar Section / New CfDS local officers / Aurora Section / The eastern elongation of Mercury, 1996 April / Jupiter in 1996: an interim report / Galileo images of Io / The opposition of Mars,
- 291Membership information
- 253Visual and photographic observations of the Geminid meteor shower in 1993 S. J. Evans & Ν. Μ. Bone
- 294Letters
- 257The life and legacy of G. H. With, 1827-1904 R. A. Marriott
- 295Small advertisements