Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.106 Iss.6
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- 309Recording the Moon and planets with a video camera Thomas A. Dobbins
- 315The two bright comets of 1957 Michael J. Hendrie
- 332Martian latitude and longitude measurements Richard McKim
- 335Cold climate photography Michael Maunder
- 347Was there once life on Mars? / C/1995 Ol (Hale-Bopp) - Comet of the Century? / Aurora Section / Comet prospects Letters
BAA Updates
- 354Joint meeting of the Comet Section & CUAS, 1996 June 8 / The BAA Student Group, 1994-1996 / Kenneth Essex Edgeworth New members
- 29E. M. Antoniadi's astronomical notebooks of the 1890s / Blue Moons / Observations of Venus / Understanding space and Ordinary Meeting, 1996 June 29 / Exhibition Meeting, 1996 June
- 298Officers and Council
- 314Membership information
- 331Centenaries for 1997 Barry Hetherington
- 355Small advertisements